Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Coppal House TODAY!!

Our MOPS group will be heading over to the Coppal House Corn Maze in Lee, NH, WEDNESDAY September 30th at 10 am. Feel free to bring a picnic lunch for afterward. All are welcome, the fee is $4 for adults and free for kids over age 6. We need 15+ participants in order to secure the group rate, so be sure to meet us there! :)

Every year the Coppal House has a professional company come in a cut out a design in their corn field. This year the design will be a skunk and flower. Througout the maze are mailboxes that have questions regarding skunks and flowers and if you choose the correct answers, you'll get the correct directions through the maze. There is usually a "hay bale maze" too for the little tykes to explore.

The maze is jogger stroller friendly. Afterward we can pick a pumpkin or other fall decorations at the farm store.

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

MOPS Meeting #1

Today was the first MOPS meeting of the year, can we say, YAHOO!! :)

We had four new moms attend today! We all enjoyed a yummy breakfast spread of food and all the kids had a blast in their MOPPETS program. All of the moms made space themed name tags for themselves as well as name tags for the kids to wear in their classrooms.

Our next meeting will be September 16th at 9:30 am. We hope to see you there. If you've been considering coming, don't hesitate! You can jump in any time during the year, you are always welcomed. We hope to see you there! As a reminder, if you planning on becoming a MOPS member, member dues are due on the 16th.

Also, be sure to mark September 30 on your calender. We'll be meeting at the Coppal House in Lee, NH at 10 am for a stroll through their corn maze. Admission is $4 for adults and children 6 years and older.