Sunday, November 8, 2009

 We had another new mom join us, this past mops meeting. This marks our 9th new mom to come to one of our meetings. God is really doing something amazing here. It was a small meeting, but we had a nice time. We enjoyed a longer than usually fellowship time with each other. We got the hear all about Bambi's adventure to Guatemala. I believe we were all touched by the stories she shared. Then at 11am we had a time of prayer for a little baby named Micah Kellsal who was having open heart surgery that morning. It was an emotion few minutes for most of us, thinking back about Lindsay and the fight that little girl fought. He is doing well. After that we all ventured down to the kitchen were we made cinnamon pumpkin potpourri candle holders.Photobucket
We will be meeting again on November 18th. We will be sharing a Thanksgiving meal together (yes for Breakfast) and a time to fellowship, grow, and learn together as moms.

Monday, November 2, 2009

November Meetings

Come and join us this Wednesday November 4th at 9:30 a.m. Our topic this week will be Living at Light Speed. Leah Roth will be our guest speaker. Come and have some coffee, yummy treats, make a craft with us. Sit back and relax and enjoy some time away from your kids and chat with other Moms. We look forward to seeing you there.

Our next meeting will be on November 18th and our topic will be Growing With Extended Family.